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2024-12-14 01:03:12

12.13 index prediction and top secret internal reference, Friday, high and low cut.[Index Forecast] It is expected that the index will fluctuate on Friday, with the range of reference support 3430- pressure 3489, and the time-sharing rhythm script will open lower in the morning and then rise higher, and then fall back in the afternoon.[Index Forecast] It is expected that the index will fluctuate on Friday, with the range of reference support 3430- pressure 3489, and the time-sharing rhythm script will open lower in the morning and then rise higher, and then fall back in the afternoon.

12.13 index prediction and top secret internal reference, Friday, high and low cut.[Index Forecast] It is expected that the index will fluctuate on Friday, with the range of reference support 3430- pressure 3489, and the time-sharing rhythm script will open lower in the morning and then rise higher, and then fall back in the afternoon.

12.13 index prediction and top secret internal reference, Friday, high and low cut.[Index Forecast] It is expected that the index will fluctuate on Friday, with the range of reference support 3430- pressure 3489, and the time-sharing rhythm script will open lower in the morning and then rise higher, and then fall back in the afternoon.

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